
P-Star Educational Workshop at October PGRN Meeting
October 23, 2012

Seattle, WA

The PGRN network resource, P-STAR will host a 2 hour educational workshop on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm for PGRN meeting attendees on Study Design and Analysis of Next-generation Sequence Data. This workshop will include four 20-minute talks with ample time for Q&A.

Bioinformatic Characterization of Rare-variant WindowsWill Bush, Vanderbilt University
Practical Issues in Running Large-Scale Sequencing StudiesNancy Cox, Univ. of Chicago
Power, multiple testing and interpretation for gene-wise sequence variant burden testsEli Stahl, Mt. Sinai,
Study design and Analysis issuesJohn Witte, UCSF


A network resource for coordination of statistical analysis and methods development in the PGRN.
